School Decorum

School Decorum

All members of the school are expected to:

  • Conduct themselves with dignity.
  • Respect school property.
  • No student to damage any furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or damage things belonging to school.
  • Be environment friendly (care for plants and desist from littering school premises, using poly bags )
  • Be courteous and respect support staff and fellow
  • Refrain from unruly behavior like running in the corridors and shouting and shrieking in school premises or aggressive behavior towards
  • Address bearers, peons, ayahs, guards and drivers by their name, with a “bhaiya or didi”
  • Not to indulge in fighting, disrupting or missing classes
  • The school reserves the right to suspend a student whose conduct is found to be harmful to other students or for any other in disciplinary action on his/her
  • All members of the school are expected to reach the school before 8:00 m. No one will not be allowed to enter the school after 8:10 am. No calls will be entertained at the security gate/ reception regarding the same. Leave applications if any, should be approved and submitted before you go on leave. In case of any emergencies, the school should be informed about you’re the late coming or absenteeism latest by 7:45 am through an e mail.

Code of Discipline

  • All members must abide by the “School Decorum” at all
  • Each student must bring the school Almanac on every class
  • The school begins with prayer (Assembly) and all the students are expected to be present for the
  • It is compulsory for all the students to attend the school on the first day of the beginning of a Term/after each vacation and the last day before the end of a Term/beginning of a Absent on these days shall be considered a serious breach of discipline. Students will be liable for detention after school.
  • All the students are expected to be punctual in attending the school. Students who are late 3 consecutive days will be fined Rs 50/-. Habitual late coming may call for disciplinary action including of being sent back home and will be marked absent. On such occasions the school shall not be responsible for their safe
  • It is compulsory for students to attain at least 75%attendance in each semester. The percentage can be relaxed on genuine medical grounds
  • A student who fails to appear in the assessment/examination for reasons other than medical grounds will be considered absent and no re- assessment shall be
  • The school discourages the use of expensive and fancy goods in the Objects like CDs, I-Pods, Mobile phones, Pokemon and WWF cards for playing or for exchange purposes is strictly forbidden. Mobiles will be confiscated and will be given back along with school leaving certificate.
  • No student is allowed to bring gifts, presents or return gifts to school to mark his/her/other’s birthday or for any other occasion. Students should carry only toffees (e.g. éclairs) for distribution in his/her section only. No gifts should be brought for the principal and
  • No student is allowed to bring sports equipment without prior permission of the Physical Education
  • Students should not bring visitors to school without the prior permission of the
  • Any form of physical aggression (birthday bumps, ragging, bullying) can lead to immediate
  • Students should not leave the class without a class pass which will authorize a student to be out of the class for a valid reason issued by the teacher in the
  • Bursting crackers or splashing colors during Diwali/Holi or any other occasion in the school premises or school buses is strictly
  • Students must move in a single line and not crowd outside classrooms in between
  • A student may be suspended if he/she brings contraband items such as lighter, cigarettes/other forms of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, replicas of or real weapons including chains, knuckle, dusters to school.
  • Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Mother Teacher. They will not be called to answer phone calls during school hours.

The Samarth School is one of the leading schools in the country.

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