Curriculum & Pedagogy

Curriculum and Pedagogy

Education at The Samarth School is a planned endeavour with the objective of developing the character of each child. Our curriculum aims to produce thinkers and innovators in every field. A conducive environment with joyful and meaningful learning experiences is therefore provided by the school to let the child blossom. At The Samarth School we believe that each child is unique. Each child therefore learns differently. Hence, the learning process adheres to various learning styles catering to each child in the classroom. Opportunity to express one self is given to everyone. This pedagogy not only broadens the scope of the learning process in the classroom but also instills confidence in the students. The Samarth School’s pedagogy is based on the interdisciplinary approach to learning where subjects are linked to one another to provide a holistic view and understanding of each concept ill the learner. This triggers the spirit of inquiry, observation and drawing of conclusions in our students. We believe that learning should be joyful and meaningful therefore, we provide hands on learning experiences to our children which is done through activities such as experiment, surveys, exhibitions, theatre, gardening, sculpture, robotics etc. This helps the child find application and meaning to his classroom knowledge.

The Samarth School is one of the leading schools in the country.

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